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Closed Daily: 1PM-2PM
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Closed Daily: 1PM-2PM
September 1, 2022
Eurozone Motors
You can count on Eurozone Motors for all of your Audi service and repair needs. Our certified technicians are experts when it comes to everything Audi. We have vast experience keeping Audis safe and reliable on the road. This isn’t to say, however, that Audis don’t come with some common problems. They do, and we are going to list those problems below. Don’t worry. We can fix them.
Many Audi owners end up with lights that flicker between dim and bright and malfunctioning taillamps. This isn’t too much of a problem because it doesn’t take us long to replace these electrical components so your lights are restored and like new. In fact, if you have any electrical component failure at all, bring your Audi to our shop so we can find the problem and fix it.
Leaking motor oil is more of a serious problem. Any time you drive your Audi with the oil level in the engine too low, you run a high risk of causing engine damage. In addition, if the oil leaks onto hot engine parts, it might ignite. You may also see blue exhaust coming out of your Audi’s tailpipe if the engine is burning the leaking oil. Don’t wait to have oil leaks in your Audi repaired.
Another easy fix for us is premature spark plug failure. Many Audis end up with worn plugs before their time. Don’t worry, we can replace the factory plugs with new ones that will give you more miles. In addition, if you bring your Audi to us regularly for its ignition system tune-ups, you run a greater chance of avoiding ignition problems such as spark plugs that wear out prematurely.
Unfortunately, there may a problem with how the timing belt in your Audi was installed. It’s a good idea to swing by our shop so we can check it. If the belt was not installed correctly, it will wear down quicker than it would if it were installed correctly. If the belt breaks, your Audi’s engine will stop immediately and the pistons may be destroyed by the flying belt.
Finally, your Audi may make strange noises if the axle CV boot was not greased properly. If you ignore the problem, you could break an axle, and this isn’t cheap to repair. If you hear weird noises from anywhere in your Audi, visit our shop so we can find the problem.
We are Eurozone Motors in Burbank, CA, and we’d be happy to take care of your Audi. Call us today.
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Closed Daily: 1PM-2PM
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